MISSION Elko Middle School is a comprehensive middle school in Henrico County Public Schools. We aim to inspire educational excellence among all students in their journey from middle to high school. To achieve our goal, Elko will increase the percentage of students demonstrating proficiency in grade-level content by 10% in ELA, Math, & Science. Elko Middle School will maintain a Chronic Absenteeism rate below 15%. VISION Elko Middle School will soar from good to great by inspiring educational excellence among all students. Educational excellence will be measured by maintaining full accreditation in our academic program and increasing the number of extracurricular activities and business partnerships in the community. To this end, we will provide: 1. A safe and orderly campus for all students 2. Daily instruction meeting individual student needs. 3. Programs and activities that enhance academic achievement, as well as each student’s social | |
ELKO HOLIDAY SPIRIT WEEK | Click here to view the SCA Holiday Spirit Week! |
ATTENDANCE UPDATES | Please refer to our Attendance Flier for information regarding reporting absences, early dismissals, and attendance letters. Please note that attendance letters are sent out regarding both excused and unexcused absences, as well as suspensions. Click here to review Attendance Flyer. Click here to report absences to our attendance secretary. |
STRAWBRIDGE PICTURE DELIVERY & CODE LOOK UP TOOL | Parents still need to order pictures? Our NEW Code Lookup Tool is now available. Parents can simply scan the QR code and follow the directions to access their child's picture ordering gallery. No need to contact Customer Service for an access code! Student last name and Student ID number will be required for data security. Click here to view the information flyer from Strawbridge. |
CELL PHONE POLICY CHANGE | Governor Youngkin has issued Executive Order 33 (“EO33”) https://www.doe.virginia.gov/home/showpublisheddocument/57403/638621683945370000 which establishes a Cell Phone-Free Education policy. According to this order, middle school students are prohibited from having cell phones or personal electronic communication devices during the school day, from the start of the first bell to the end of the last bell. If students bring these devices to school, they must be turned off and stored away throughout the school day. This policy will take effect on January 1, 2025. We are sending this communication to keep you informed about the new order, which will be enforced when students return to school on January 6, 2025. While students will be unable to use their cell phones or any other personal electronic devices during the school day, they may use devices that are issued by the school. Students with medical conditions that require the use of a cell phone must have a doctor's note on file in the clinic. If a student needs to contact a parent or guardian, they can do so by visiting the main office. Additionally, students who do not abide by the policy will have consequences outlined by the Code of Student Conduct will be subject to the following disciplinary consequences: Click here to view offenses for cell phone violations starting on January 6, 2025. We recognize that this is a significant change. We have done an excellent job with the current policy, and we are confident that the students will continue to perform well with the new policy. Please discuss this change with your student at home. We will ensure that the students receive all the necessary information about the executive order. Together, we can make this transition as smooth as possible. |
QUARTER 2 ASSESSMENTS | Students will take the Quarter 2 assessments for English Language Arts (ELA) and Math from December 16th to 20th. Please ensure that your student is present on these days, brings a fully charged laptop, and gets a good night's rest beforehand. We want them to perform at their best. |
COUNSELOR'S CORNER | Our 8th grade students who live in the Varina zone will have the opportunity to visit Varina on Tuesday, December 17th. Permission slips can be turned in on Monday 12/16/24. Please see your ParentSquare account for a message from Ms. Fish with the Permission slip attached. Our 8th grade students who live in the Highland Springs zone will have a chance to hear from Highland Springs on Wednesday, December 18th. School Counseling Appointments Our School Counselors are happy to meet with parents either in person or over the phone to discuss any concerns or questions they might have. To schedule an appointment to see your student’s counselor please call (804)328-4111 or email your student’s counselor. Counselor Rawls (6th Grade) – glrawls@henrico.k12.va.us Ms. Flowers (7th Grade) – acflowers@henrico.k12.va.us Ms. Fish (8th Grade) – stfish@henrico.k12.va.us Dr. Swingen (EL and Last Name A & B) – jkswingen@henrico.k12.va.us Ms. Stacy (Registrar) - tcstacy@henrico.k12.va.us Use the link below to schedule appointments with our Registrar. Please select a time slot to schedule your registration meeting. You will need to complete the enrollment forms (either online or in person) and bring proof of residency with you to your appointment. |
HCPS & ELKO FAMILY ONLINE SERVICES AND RESOURCES | Click here to access HCPS online services and resources website: this website can assist in the following areas: PowerSchool Parent Portal, Schoology, Making School Payments, and Paying for Meals. Click here to access ELKO MS family resources. |
COMMUNITY OPPORTUNITIES (ELKO AND SANDSTON COMMUNITIES) | No new opportunities are available at this time. |
VOLUNTEER PROCESS | If you would like to become a volunteer, please complete the online volunteer/mentor application via the link below. Volunteer: Your involvement as a volunteer can make a valuable contribution to education in Henrico County. Your involvement as a volunteer can make a valuable contribution to education in Henrico County. |
ELKO ATHLETICS | Elko Athletics Week 12/16/24-12/20/24 at a glance! |
ELKO LEADERSHIP TEAM | Tyrus T. Lyles Ed.D-Principal-ttlyles@henrico.k12.va.us Taleesa Meeks- Associate Principal- tjmeeks@henrico.k12.va.us Corey Calder- Associate Principal- ctcalder@henrico.k12.va.us Akeela Tyson- Assistant Principal- altyson@henrico.k12.va.us Brandon Hardy- Assistant Principal- bahardy@henrico.k12.va.us Jorli Swingen- Director of School Counseling-jkswingen@henrico.k12.va.us Kendra Amis-Athletic Director-kdamis@henrico.k12.va.us Jennifer Jenkins-Administrative Aide- jrjenkin@henrico.k12.va.us Ethel Reed- Administrative Aide- elreed@henrico.k12.va.us Torre Siler-Administrative Aide- tsiler@hennco.k12.va.us Abby Thomas- Administrative Aide- arthomas@henrico.k12.va.us Frenchie Travis- Administrative Aide- fmtravis@henrico.k12.va.us |
![The Nest News-16th Edition-December 16-20, 2024](https://core-docs.s3.amazonaws.com/henrico_county_public_schools_ar/article/image/large_63a27fa8-4c42-473a-a093-e05f74d931b5.png)
The Nest News-16th Edition-December 16-20, 2024
December 16, 2024